Well. the Arizona lege will be back in session...so it will be necessary to hide the children and small animals.
And to protect democracy from their depredations.
While most agendas are just about introducing committee members and staff, some very bad bills will be under consideration.
Note: HHR refers to a hearing room in the House building; SHR refers to one in the Senate building.
Note2: Generally, I'll only specify bills that look to spread propaganda. Other bills may be more conventionally bad (think: corrupt or other misuses of public monies and/or authority). My recommendation is that if an agenda covers an area of interest to you, read the entire agenda.
Note3: Each chamber's respective Rules Committee meets on Monday, the House's in HHR4, generally at 1 p.m. and the Senate's in Senate Caucus Room 1, generally also at 1 p.m. Both committees serve as rubber stamps for bills leadership wants to be advanced and gatekeepers for measures that leadership wants stopped.
Note4: Meeting start times may be listed, but are flexible. Before journeying to the Capitol or viewing the meeting online, verify the start time.
Note5: Watch for strikers, or strike everything amendments. Those involve inserting language that replaces the entirety of a bill. Those can be introduced at any time and can make a previously harmless bill into a very bad one.
On Monday, 1/13
House Health & Human Service is on the calendar at 2 p.m. in HHR4, but their agenda states the committee won't be meeting.
House Public Safety & Law Enforcement is on the calendar at 2 p.m. in HHR1, but their agenda states the committee won't be meeting.
On Tuesday, 1/14
House Commerce meets at 2 p.m. in HHR5. On the agenda: no bills; they'll be acting as the Commerce Committee of Reference and conducting a couple of sunset reviews of a couple of executive departments.
House Education meets at 2 p.m. in HHR1. On the agenda: four bills after they act as the Education Committee of Reference and conduct a sunset review and an audit review. The bills: HB2022. a guns in schools bill; HB2029, requiring schools to teach internet security/safety practices to students; plus a couple of bills related to the reviews that they are conducting.
House Natural Resources, Energy & Water meets at 2 p.m. in HHR3. On the agenda: no bills, just some presentations.
Senate Appropriations meets at 2 p.m. is SHR109. On the agenda: no bills, just a presentation from JLBC.
Senate Natural Resources meets at 2 p.m. in SHR1. On the agenda: no bills, just multiple presentations, mostly from industry lobbyists.
On Wednesday, 1/15
House Judiciary meets at 9 a.m. in HHR4. On the agenda: no bills; it's meeting as the Committee of Reference and conducting a couple of sunset reviews.
Senate Government meets at 9 a.m. in SHR1. On the agenda: three bills. SB1013 would impose a requirement on municipalities and counties that would mandate that the council/board overseeing that entity pass a fee increase by a 2/3 majority. The bill was proposed by Senate President Warren Petersen, so it'll pass. SB1015, from Wendy Rogers (R-bigot), would bar municipalities and counties from placing a tax or fee on blockchain technology. SB1039 is John Kavanagh's annual effort to put a minimum time limit bon how long HOA's have to keep a recording of a meeting.
Senate Regulatory Affairs and Government Efficiency meets at 9 a.m. in SHR109. On the agenda: no bills.
Senate Regulatory Affairs and Government Efficiency Committee of Reference meets at 9:10 a.m. (or upon the adjournment of the regular committee) in SHR109. On the agenda: no bills; a couple of sunset reviews.
House Ad Hoc Committee on Election Integrity and Florida-Style Voting Systems meets at 1 p.m.in HHR4. On the agenda: no bills, just a discussion of inflicting Florida-style election practices on Arizona.
Senate Education meets at 3 p.m. in SHR1. On the agenda: Two bills and some presentations about education funding in AZ. The bills - SB1021, Wendy Rogers' move to have ROTC students classified as "in-state" students and SB1028, John Kavanagh's proposal relating to high scool graduation requirements.
Senate Judiciary and Elections meets at 3 p.m. in SHR2. On the agenda: one bill, and it's BAD. SB1011 from Warren Petersen (and co-sponsored by most of the Rs in the state senate) is the latest anti-democracy effort to place restrictions on early voting. My guess is that Petersen plans to run for Congress as a MAGA candidate or is angling for a spot in the Trump administration.
Senate Public Safety meets at 3 p.m. in SHR109. On the agenda: no bills, just a presentation.
On Thursday, 1/16
House Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee of Reference meets at 11 a.m. in HHR3. On the agenda: no bills, just a sunset review (interestingly, both this committee and Senate RAGE.COR will be conducting a sunset review of the Arizona Exposition and State Fair Board).
On Friday, 1/17