Saturday, August 31, 2024

Warren Petersen can write letters. So can I.

Yesterday, I authored a post on how the president of the AZ State Senate wrote a letter to Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California.

Today, I wrote my own letter to Governor Newsom

Dear Governor Newsom,

It recently became public knowledge that the president of the Arizona State Senate, Warren Petersen, wrote a letter to you advising you to not not create more regulations for petroleum refineries.

I'm going to advise you to do what's best for the people of California; your salary is derived from taxes and your authority is derived from their consent.

Sen. Petersen's wish to protect the profits of Big Business and disregard for the public good is a problem for the people of 

Arizona to address (or not address,  if we don't flip control of the state senate and make him a former president of that body.)


Craig McDermott

P.S. - I'm from AZ, and not from Sen. Petersen's district there.

What I wrote to him about taxes and consent is something that I believe is true for *all* public employees, elected, appointed, or hired - they work for us.

Not just wealthy people, not just well-connected people, and not just the people who agree with them or line their pockets with "contributions.".

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