Sunday, October 01, 2006

Debates, Dinners and other stuff: Calendar for the upcoming week

(Some of this material was covered in a post on September 16.)

Tuesday is a busy day -

The LD17 Dems hold their monthly meeting at the Pyle Center in Tempe. (SW corner of Rural and Southern) Information exchange starts at 6:30; the meeting starts at 7.

[Note the corrected time for the EV Trib Forum below - it starts at 7, not 8 as I originally posted. Thanks to acrouse for the right starting time. See her comment on the post.]

The East Valley Tribune is sponsoring a forum for the LD17 legislative candidates. It starts at 7 p.m. in the Tempe City Council chambers. (31 E. 5th Street in Tempe, just east of Mill Ave. on 5th St.) Come out to see some great candidates - Meg Burton-Cahill (State Senate), and Ed Ableser and David Schapira (State House). [What? No Republicans listed as 'great'? Like you were expecting me to plug Laura Knaperek et. al.? lol.]

The Maricopa County Democratic Party will be holding a roast of Governor Janet Napolitano at the Carpenter Union Hall,4547 W. McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ (East of 45th Ave.) Contact the MCDP at 602-298-0503 for more details/ticket info. Festivities start at 5:30 p.m.

The Mitchell For Congress campaign is holding "An Evening with a True American Hero: Senator Max Cleland" from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The event will be held at the home of Griff & Shelley Hearn, 1548 W. Northern Avenue in Phoenix. Contact the campaign at 480-755-3343 for tickets/details.

The Pederson for Senate campaign will be holding a Veterans' Rally with Senator Cleland at the VFW Maricopa Hall Post #720, 4853 East Thomas Road in Phoenix at 7:00 p.m. Contact the campaign for more details at (602) 262-2006.

The candidates for Arizona Secretary of State will be in a debate sponsored by the Arizona Clean Elections. It will be televised on Horizon on KAET from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. I think that this one is taped before the broadcast and the public is not invited to the studio to watch. Watch Israel Torres take on the incumbent Jan Brewer.

---Whew! That's a busy week, all in one day.


Corporation Commission Debate. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Arizona Broadcast Center (AVNET), 2617 S 46th, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ.

State Treasurer Debate. 6:00:00 p.m. - 8:00:00 p.m. Bullhead City Chamber of Commerce, 1251 Highway 95, Bullhead City, AZ

State Attorney General Debate. 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Televised - Horizon KAET TV Channel 8.

Thursday -

The LD17 Clean Elections forum will be held from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Tempe High School. (1730 S. Mill Ave., Tempe.)

Also, the candidates for governor will have their Clean Elections debate on Thursday. It will be televised on Horizon from 7 - 8 on Thursday night.

In the upcoming weeks, specifically on October 20, the Arizona League of Women Voters is sponsoring a debate/forum for the Corporation Commission candidates. The sole issue discussed will be "the future of energy in Arizona."

A rep from the LWV was at the LD8 forum on Thursday and told me more of the details, but I was on my way out the door at the time and figured that I could just visit their website to get the details.

Instead of just taking good notes.


Unfortunately for my brilliant plan, the "calendar" page of their website isn't working. I've emailed their web admin, but it should take a few days for it to be fixed.

I'll update when the info is more available.

Edit on October 2: Just received a reply from Jan Gdovic, Citizen Information Director, League of Women Voters.

The debate will be held on Friday October 20 at 6:00 p.m., at the ASU Downtown Campus in Phoenix, room TBD. I'll update the room info when it becomes finalized.

Thanks to Jan for the quick reply!

End Edit.



Anonymous said...

The EV Tribune Forum starts at 7pm with the two candidates for State Senate (Meg Burton-Cahill and Rose Crutcher), then the candidates for the House take the stage at 8pm.

Craig said...

Thanks Angie! I'll correct the post.