Monday, October 02, 2006

Gotta love those wacky Republicans...

They sure have a strange way of setting an example for the rest of us...unless their goal is to set a *negative* example...

...Want to promote "virtue" to America? Gamble. A lot.

...Want to promote "family values"? Cheat on your wife, then serve her with divorce papers in the hospital.

...Want to condemn perjury by public officials? Protect those who do it, if they belong to your party.

...Want to campaign for State Attorney General on an anti-illegal immigration platform? Hire some illegal immigrants.

...Want to fight terrorism? Create thousands more.

...Want to fight against pedophilia and sexual exploitation of minors? Hit on a 16-year old boy.

The truly scary part of this post? I could go on for another thousand examples of Republican hypocrisy.

Democrats may not be saints, but at least we know it.

...Want to criticize the Republicans for their corruption? Hold your own accountable for their actions too.

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