Saturday, September 30, 2006

Short attention span musing

...Was Russell "Operation Wetback" Pearce emboldened by the presence of white supremacists in Scottsdale, or vice versa? Is this the Arizona politics version of "what came first, the chicken or the egg?"

...I don't often have cause to praise a Republican these days, especially an Arizona Republican, but Congressman Jeff Flake deserves some for speaking and voting in opposition to the Electronic Surveillance Modernization Act. Respect for the Constitution and the status of the Judicial branch and Legislative branch as branches of government co-equal with the Executive branch is rare among the Reps these days, and should be lauded wherever it is present.

Now, if only he didn't vote for the Torture and Kangaroo Courts Act...I mean the Military Commissions act of 2006.

...As evidenced by the two above-listed votes, apparently the Republicans in Congress ran out of toilet paper this week and scrounged up any available piece of paper they had no use for.

RIP U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

...Is now-former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) the long-lost brother of Clifton Bennett?

...President Bush will be in town on Wednesday to help Rick Renzi (R-Mantech) raise funds at an event at the Camelback Inn. Which, by the way, is in J.D. Hayworth's (R-Blowhard) district.

Is this part of the President's plan to improve his poll numbers? The "trying to look honest by comparison" plan?

Have a great rest of the weekend!

1 comment:

Thane Eichenauer said...

The consitution and bill of rights are only dead if nobody stands up to protect the rights of the people against government. Please don't reserve their obituary column yet.