Monday, January 11, 2010

The Dawn Of A New Era

OK, not really - just the start of a new session of the Arizona State Legislature...

Not much going on right now.

I'm sitting on the third floor of the Senate building. It's a lot like a class reunion...of a class that last met last month, which most of these folks did.

There are current and former legislators, family members, friends, and, of course, lobbyists.

Currently, sitting across from me are three lobbyists working the phones and the crowd, trying to get legislators to drop ("drop" is lege-speak for "offer for consideration") their favored bills as soon as possible.

Anyway, waiting for the open of the Senate session. After that, the plan is to attend the Governor's State of the State speech, a Dem press conference immediately after that, and depending on the length of that, attend a committee hearing. The committee meeting includes a presentation on the state's budget situation. Things are pretty dire, even after last month's "fix."

Anyway, time to do some of my own "meeting and greeting" and maybe snap a few pics...


1 comment:

just jen said...

Glad to have you back!