Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Kyrsten Sinema: already planning for her exit from the U.S. Senate

I think she still runs.  

The only way she doesn't is if she finds a way to keep her campaign's $10 million+ cash on hand for herself.

From Business Insider via Yahoo! -

Kyrsten Sinema said she doesn't care if she loses reelection because she 'saved the Senate by myself' and can go serve 'on any board I want to,' book says

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema will face an exceedingly difficult re-election race in Arizona next year, if she chooses to run. But the Democrat-turned-independent may not be sweating it all that much.

According to reporter McKay Coppins's new book, "Romney: A Reckoning," Sinema once told Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah that she could "do anything" once she's out of office and feels that what she's done in the Senate is "good enough."

"I don't care. I can go on any board I want to. I can be a college president. I can do anything," she told Romney, according to the book. "I saved the Senate filibuster by myself. I saved the Senate by myself. That's good enough for me."

Hope that any board she joins gets a bigger meeting room because they'll need one for both her and her ego.

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