Thursday, December 15, 2022

Sinema weaves a web. Though it may not work out her way.

When Sen. Kyrsten Sinema famously changed her registration and stopped being a Democrat, the political reporters in the MSM went orgasmic in the post-election flurry of  articles that they produced.  Horse race pieces are their strength, and they thought those over...until the next election cycle.  

Most of those articles have been about her change's effects on the Democratic Party here and in DC.

From CNN, dated 12/10 -

How Kyrsten Sinema’s decision makes Democrats’ 2024 Senate map tighter

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema decided to shake up the political world on Friday by becoming an independent. The former Democrat is still caucusing with the party in the Senate, so the Democratic caucus still has 51 members. Now, instead of 49 Democrats and two independents within their ranks, the caucus has 48 Democrats and three independents.

But that simple math hides a more clouded picture for Democrats and for Sinema herself. Sinema’s interests are no longer necessarily the Democrats’ best interests in the next Congress, and the 2024 Senate map became even more complicated for Democrats with Sinema’s decision.

To be clear, Sinema has always been a thorn in the Democrats side during her time in Congress. Over the last two years, Democrats have had to almost always make sure that any bill or nomination had Sinema’s support to have any chance of passing. That’s the math when you have only 50 Senate seats in a 100-seat chamber. A lot of bills and nominations were never voted on without Sinema and Manchin’s backing.

Personally, I believe two things -

1. Regardless of her ballot status in 2024, she already has her post-2024 gig lined up,  My guess is that she'll end as a K Street lobbyist (though her office may not actually be on K Street).for Big Pharma or hedge funds.

2. She'll only keep that gig until 2032 or maybe even 2028.  She seems to have her eye on being on a national ticket, as a candidate for POTUS or VPOTUS.

The one problem with that plan, IMO, is that she will be seen as all but untouchable politically.  Not for her habit  of throwing over the folks who supported her - in the world of DC politics, that's hardly a disqualifier.

Nope, Arizona has become a battleground state, and any ticket she is on will probably get trounced here.

Which will keep her from being considered for any national ticket.

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