Sunday, May 29, 2022

If Kari Lake really wants to be governor of AZ, maybe she needs to associate with a better class of people

Her penchant for hanging with grifters, fraudsters, scammers, nutjobs, and bigots is something that lends insight into how her potential administration might be conducted.

Corruption, cult of celebrity, and cult of personality will be big parts of any Lake administration.

For grifters,  from 12News in Phoenix -

For fraudsters, from Twitter -

From NPR, dated 11/1/2021 -

'Misfire' is a scathing look at nepotism, fraud and corruption in the NRA

The National Rifle Association — once one of the most well-known and influential lobbying organizations in the country — is a wounded beast.

Tim Mak's Misfire: Inside the Downfall of the NRA might be the final blow in terms of exposing the organization's rotten core and showing how a boundless love for money and power — as well as nepotism, fraud, and corruption — have been eating away at the NRA's foundations for a long time.

For scammers -

From Twitter -

From OregonLive, dated 1/21/2022 -

MyPillow CEO hit with cease and desist letter from Idaho over bogus election fraud claims

Idaho officials have sent MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell a cease-and-desist letter and a bill of more than $6,000 over the businessman’s repeated accusations of voter fraud in the state.

Secretary of State Lawerence Denney and Attorney General Lawrence Wasden sent the cease-and-desist letter to Lindell on Tuesday, the Idaho Statesman reported. The letter demands Lindell “promptly remove all false statements about Idaho’s elections from your website” and “refrain from making similar statements in the future.”

For nutjobs -

From Blog for Arizona -

For bigots -

From Twitter -

Hey - at least the blurb in the pic is better than I might have written -

"Crazy bigot endorsed by craven bigot."

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