Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Even pediatricians think kids in school should wear a mask, but Doug Ducey disagrees

 The American Academy of Pediatricians guidance is here.

From NPR -

Everyone Should Wear A Mask In Schools, Vaccinated Or Not, U.S. Pediatricians Say

The American Academy of Pediatrics released updated guidance for schools Monday, recommending that all students over 2 years old, along with staff, wear masks, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

The new AAP guidance comes less than two weeks after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its own recommendations, calling for indoor mask-wearing for unvaccinated students ages 2 and up, as well as staff. (Children under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination.) The CDC notes, however, that schools might find universal masking necessary in areas with low vaccination rates, increasing community transmission or a number of other factors.

Health professionals may say one thing, but Doug Ducey (et. al.) knows better.

From Cronkite News -

Arizona’s ban on mask mandates in schools criticized by health experts

Health experts are concerned that Arizona’s recently approved budget, which bans public schools and universities from enforcing mask mandates and COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated students, is endangering public health across the state.


Ducey’s executive order stated that students could not “be mandated to take the COVID-19 vaccine or submit COVID-19 vaccination documents.” Under the order, students also cannot be required to be tested or wear masks to participate in learning.

“Public education is a public right, and taxpayers are paying for it,” Ducey said on his website. “We need to make our public universities available for students to return to learning.”

Ducey's executive order in question is 2021-16.

Dougie may think he knows better than folks who do this all day every day, but he doesn't have a medical license. From the website of the Arizona Medical Board -

Got the same (lack of) results when looking for an osteopath's license or a PA's license. :)

Two things:

1. Wear a mask

2. Get vaccinated

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