Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Quick update, including a TV recommendation

...Tonight at 9, local time, KAET-TV in Tempe and KUAT in Tucson will be airing "Moyers on America - Capitol Crimes."

It's a two-hour show focusing on the Abramoff scandal. I don't know if it will specifically mention JD Hayworth, but it should be a good overview of the scandal. If you have time, try to watch it.

...Later on, I'll post my report on the LD17 debate last night. Some sparks flew, especially during the portion of the forum that was focused on the candidates for State Representative.

Tomorrow night's Clean Elections forum at Tempe High should be a little more formal and controlled, but should still be very interesting. I strongly urge all LD17 voters to attend and listen to and support their candidates.

The gloves came off a little last night, and I expect them to stay off until the election.

...Speaking of forum reports, Geo did a great job of covering the LD20 Senate debate. His write-up can be found here.


On edit: I watched Moyers' report. While it didn't mention JD, it absolutely blasted Abramoff and Tom Delay and was well worth watching. There was also a good discussion at the end about the overall corruption of the Congress over the last few years, and how the like hasn't been seen in well over a century.

I strongly recommend watching it if you get the chance.

End edit.

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