Wednesday, October 04, 2006

JD is being...well, *JD*...

From a press release:

What: Press Conference to Highlight New Border Security Provisions Enacted into Law

Who: House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.), Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.), Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)

When: Thursday, Oct. 5, 1 p.m.,
Where: Sensor Technologies & Systems, Inc. Headquarters, 8900 E Chaparral Rd., Scottsdale, Ariz. 85250

Today President Bush has signed into law legislation providing new resources to secure the border. Some of the House Republicans who led the effort...

The typical JD modus operandi? Campaign contributions from defense contractors, like STS.

$5500 from the President and VP of STS over the years (Walker Butler and Arnold Nikula, respectively.)

At least STS is getting a long-term effort from their Congressman.

From a 2-year old press release, reprinting an article from the Tucson Citizen (emphasis mine):

"In these trying times, border security is synonymous with national security," said U.S. Rep. J.D. Hayworth, R-Ariz., who set up an initial meeting with the company and Department of Homeland Security authorities...
JD *is* consistent.

He's consistenly good for his big campaign contributors.

And consistently bad for his constituents.

...In other news, he is already minimizing the Foley/Hastert scandal.

From the Chicago Tribune, via

"There is a key difference between the behavior of one member of Congress and the collective challenges that we face," said Rep. J.D. Hayworth, R-Ariz.
Why do I think that he's hoping that everyone ignores the cover-up perpetrated by the Republican leadership in the House?

...Apparently, JD is trying to mend fences with CD5's Jewish community.

From a press release from an organization called the Republican Jewish Coalition:

Please join us for an exciting event with

U.S. Representatives J.D. Hayworth and John Shadegg
Wednesday, October 11
Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center
12701 North Scottsdale Road(between Cactus and Thunderbird)
Scottsdale, 85254

The peculiar part of the release? Try this line on for size -

Photo ID is required for security purposes

"Security" purposes???

Or "Keep those pesky Democrats out" purposes???

I was at the forum a couple of weeks ago at Temple Emanuel. No extra "security" measures were needed, in spite of the size of the turnout, both of members of the public and of candidates.

...JD was on a roll today.

From his latest press release:

He "called on liberal challenger "Dirty" Harry Mitchell to apologize to J.D. Hayworth and his family for putting the congressman in the crosshairs of a sniper rifle..."

He went on to describe the ad as "verbal hate speech."

After that, the release states "At the eight-second mark of the ad, the word "focus" appears as part of a graphic and the sniper scope appears. The implication couldn't be clearer."

Ummm...I'm sure that *he* thinks that getting called out for his utter lack of ethics does qualify as "hate speech."

Unfortunately for JD's posturing, it's just the truth.

As for the implication of the crosshairs?

JD *is* being watched, and is targeted.

For defeat.

He knows he's nothing without the title "Congressman."

Which, to be fair to JD, may seem like a fate even worse that death.

In summary, among other activities (the Bush/Renzi appearance and the bill signing have been covered elsewhere), he is touting his delivery of federal money to large campaign contributors, excluding unwelcome members of the public from his campaign appearances, and lying about Harry Mitchell.

In other words, SOP.


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