Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A quick post on John Shadegg

From The Hill:

A leading fiscal conservative in the House has stoked debate over pork by circulating a newspaper story linking Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) to “the inherent risk of corruption at the heart of the congressional earmark process.”Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.), who ran for the majority leadership on a platform of fiscal retrenchment, sent reelection supporters an opinion piece on the federal investigation surrounding the House Appropriations Committee chairman.

The cynic in me wonders if this is real, that some of the Republicans are fed up with the corruption and the feeding trough mentality that permeates Congress, or if this is just election-year posturing.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand what everyone's problem is with John Shadegg. Why don't you put your politics aside and look at the heart of people-John Kerry and Teddy certainly don't have the ethics or the heart Shadegg has and people like that are only interested in their poll numbers. If you haven't noticed-John shadegg and Bush don't seem to care about poll numbers..they are interested in leading the country not making little liberals.

Craig said...

Actually, I wasn't critcizing Congressman Shadegg; I was wondering if his criticisms of budgetary pork in general and of Congressman Lewis in particular were heartfelt or just a gambit to capitalize on the disgust that most Americans have for corruption.

PS - George W. Bush *can't* care about poll numbers; he would have already jumped off the Washington Monument if he did. Or at least do the right thing and resign.

Anonymous said...

I see the liberal media has brainwashed you too-

Craig said...

What liberal media are you talking about?

All of the major media outlets are corporate-owned, and there's no such thing as a liberal corporation.

The closest thing to a liberal media outlet these days is the blogosphere, and that's only because anyone can blog.

Anonymous said...

yea like I said-brainwashed! Sorry-why don't you go to Shadegg himself and get the real story instead of listening to people who tell you only what they want to tell you. What would you do if you found out that the media was holding stories? Like-a recent victory in Iraq....but they'll never tell you because it would ruin their agenda. If they did that people would know the truth! Oh my! What a concept. For your own sake, start searching for true stories instead of beliving whatever you hear.