Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Jon Kyl is arranging

(from the Phoenix Business Journal) a meeting between federal DHS staff and City of Phoenix staff "to discuss why the Valley is getting a smaller share of anti-terrorism dollars. "

Let me simplify it for you Senator. Repeat after me.

"The Administration has realized that it will reap great political benefits from using the funds to reward cities and states that support him. New York City and Washington, D.C. did not, do not, and will not support him. Omaha, Nebraska and as for Phoenix, you folks elected a pain-in-the-ass Democrat as Governor. Can't reward that. I tried to talk the President into giving Phoenix more money. But since I want to be VP when Dick Cheney is indicted...errr...resigns for health reasons, I didn't push it for fear of pissing off my boss. Well, ummm, future boss, that is."

End of meeting. Out inside of 5 minutes.

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