Saturday, May 25, 2024

To realistically quote Maricopa County Republican: "Wah! The rules don't apply to us! Wah!"

From KJZZ, written by Wayne Schutsky -

Maricopa County Republicans sue elections officials to add LD29 candidate to ballot

Republicans in Maricopa County are suing election officials in an attempt to place a new legislative candidate on the July primary ballot to replace a candidate who withdrew from the race.

State law allows local political parties to pick a new candidate to replace withdrawn candidates, a process that played out earlier this month when Democrats in Legislative District 8 chose Lauren Kuby to replace Rep. Melody Hernandez, who dropped out of the district’s state Senate race.

Republicans in the West Valley’s Legislative District 29 held a similar vote on May 16, picking James Taylor to replace Rep. Austin Smith, who withdrew from the Republican primary for the district’s two seats in the Arizona House of Representatives.

But, unlike with LD8 Democrats, the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office rejected Taylor’s nomination. The Secretary of State’s Office said the law requires parties to name those replacements before ballots are printed and cited a May 13 printing deadline set by Maricopa County, the body administering the LD29 primary election. 


But the spokeswoman previously confirmed that the county set a May 13 deadline in order to meet its printing deadlines.

The law in question is ARS 16-343.

Note: I live in LD8 and was notified of the Democratic emergency election on 5/9, which was held (I believe; as I'm no longer a PC, I didn't pay close attention to it) on 5/11.

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