Showing posts with label scam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scam. Show all posts

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Is "deplorable" synonymous with "gullible"?

It isn't, but in certain circles, apparently it is.

Of course, one shouldn't be surprised to find that those circles are filled with trumpkins.

Pointed at this by Taegan Goddard's Political Wire.

From NBC -

‘Trump Bucks’ promise wealth for MAGA loyalty. Some lose thousands.

In the recesses of the internet where some of Donald Trump’s most fervent supporters stoke conspiracies and plot his return to the White House, suspected con artists have been mining their disappointment over the last presidential election for gold.

They’ve been peddling “Trump Bucks,” which are emblazoned with photos of the former president, and advertising them online as a kind of golden ticket that will help propel Trump’s 2024 bid and make the “real patriots” who support him rich when cashed in.

I believe that there's a movie quote that covers this situation.

Edited to add:

While the NBC article describes the corporations formed for this scam as based in Colorado, they seem to be based in Idaho.

End edit.