Showing posts with label poison pill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poison pill. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Some say the AZ lege is sneaky. I say sneaky and shameless are two sides of the same coin.

A few weeks ago, I posted about "poison pill" clauses inserted into proposals from certain members of the AZ legislature, calling out Sen. John Kavanagh by name.

It's not just him - the latest example wasn't proposed by him.

HB2123, scheduled for committee consideration by House Public Safety & Law Enforcement on next Monday has such a clause.

It comes from that rather fetid mind was sponsored by Rep. Julie Willoughby and and cosponsored by Reps. Leo Biaisucci, Michael Carbone, and (House Speaker) Steve Montenegro.

It purports to add "religious leaders" to the list of people who are eligible to have their documents held "confidential" (not subject to public access).

(Note: the blue print is the proposed new language)

I think that's a bad idea - because I believe a private person isn't entitled to public consideration because of their private choices, and a career choice that doesn't make one a public servant (or the spouse or child of certain ones) is a private choice.

However, that's a matter for discussion.

But the bill's sponsor didn't stop there (if only) (emphasis added by me) -

That highlighted clause is (more than) a little broadly written.

Some enterprising lawyer will look at the lack of the word "religious" next to most of the words, and the commas separating the words and argue that the language applies to corporate CEOs/presidents.

Of course, if that attorney truly believes that the language only applies to heads of religious organizations, that person will argue that corporate CEOs/presidents head organizations that worship wealth.