Showing posts with label kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kennedy. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The R candidates for Arizona Corporation Commission would fit in the state legislature

All believe that the ACC is subservient to the lege.

On June 22, 2022, the Republican candidates, Kim Owens, Nick Myers, and Kevin Thompson, for ACC were part of a Clean Election "debate" (debate is in quotes not to disparage it because it wasn't a true debate, but an event where the candidates sat on a stage tossing out ideas/talking points) hosted by Ted Simons of Channel 8.

If you've got an hour to waste, watch the debate, but I wouldn't recommend voting for any of them.  While I *do* believe that one candidate is less bad than the others, "less bad" is still "bad," both for Arizona and for Arizonans.

Some of the "highlights" (the quotes here *are* disparagement; they weren't really highlights by any stretch of the imagination):

At the 8:11 mark, Owens stated that the ACC exceeded its authority by implementing clean energy standards.

At the 47:30 mark, Myers topped that by stating that "Nowhere in the Constitution does it specifically say that we have to abide by climate change problems."

At the 5:34 mark, Ted Simons asked "Do you see the corporation commission as a fourth branch of government?"

To which Myers replied "Not necessarily."

At the 6:45 mark, Simons followed up with "Fourth branch of government?  Is that what the Constitution called for?"

To which Thompson replied "I don't believe so."

That earns Myers and Thompson the "shameless" award, however, Owens gets the "chutzpah" award for the evening -

At the 2:59 mark, she blurted that she's "not using lobbyist dollars to support" her candidacy.

Ummm, from the report she filed on 1/15/2022 -

Not only are Thompson and Myers running as Clean Elections candidates, so are Democrats Lauren Kuby and Sandra Kennedy.