Showing posts with label Musk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musk. Show all posts

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Apparently, $75 million doesn't buy what it used to...just ask Elon Musk

From Forbes -

Elon Musk Has Given $75 Million To Pro-Trump Super PAC—So Far

Tesla CEO Elon Musk gave about $75 million last quarter to a super PAC that has heavily propped up former President Donald Trump’s election bid, according to a filing released Tuesday, the first concrete indicator of how much the world’s richest person is spending to help elect Trump.

Musk gave $74,950,000 to America PAC between July 1 and September 30, the most recent date for which filings are available, according to a filing with the Federal Election Commission.

His donations made up virtually all of the $74,950,020 the PAC reported taking in last quarter.

The FEC filing is the first confirmation that Musk has poured money into the super PAC, following early reports he was giving as much as $45 million per month—which he later denied—and later suggestions he was contributing most of the group’s total budget.

America PAC has reportedly become primarily responsible for the Trump campaign’s ground game and knocking on voters’ doors, as a recent FEC ruling gave super PACs—which are formally separate from campaigns—more leeway to coordinate directly with campaigns on those efforts, and recently made headlines for offering supporters $47 if they get signatures on a petition from swing state voters.

"America PAC"? 

Remember that name.

From The Guardian (UK) -

Exclusive: Trump ground game in key states flagged as potentially fake

Donald Trump’s campaign may be failing to reach thousands of voters they hope to turn out in Arizona and Nevada, with roughly a quarter of door-knocks done by America Pac flagged by its canvassing app as potentially fraudulent, according to leaked data and people familiar with the matter.

The potentially fake door-knocks – when canvassers falsely claim to have visited a home – could present a serious setback for Trump as he and Kamala Harris remain even in the polls with fewer than 20 days until an election.

The Trump campaign earlier this year outsourced the bulk of its ground game to America Pac, the political action committee founded by Elon Musk, betting that spending millions to turn out Trump supporters, especially those who don’t typically vote, would boost returns.

But leaked America Pac data obtained by the Guardian shows that roughly 24% of the door-knocks in Arizona and 25% of the door-knocks in Nevada this week were flagged under “unusual survey logs” by the Campaign Sidekick canvassing app.

My guess if/when he loses the election, Cheeto will insist that the system is rigged against him; in quieter, more reflective moments (Oh, who am I trying to kid?  He'll shout it from the rooftops) he'll blame Musk.  He'll *never* blame himself.

Musk will blame the folks working for him.

Scam artists who are in circles of/the employ of other scam artists?

Who'da thunk it?