As with last week, there aren't any strike-everything amendments on committee agendas, but those can be introduced at any time.
Also as with last week, there's nothing on the schedule for Thursday, but last week, they added a meeting of the Committee on Giving Jake Hoffman a Platform for Criticizing Governor Hobbs on the Taxpayer Dime on Director Nominations for last Thursday.
Note: HHR refers to a hearing room in the House building; SHR refers to one in the Senate building.
Note2: Generally, I'll only specify bills that look to spread propaganda. Other bills may be more conventionally bad (think: corrupt or other misuses of public monies and/or authority). My recommendation is that if an agenda covers an area of interest to you, read the entire agenda.
Note3: Each chamber's respective Rules Committee meets on Monday, the House's in HHR4, generally at 1 p.m. and the Senate's in Senate Caucus Room 1, generally also at 1 p.m. Both committees serve as rubber stamps for bills leadership wants to be advanced and gatekeepers for measures that leadership wants stopped.
Note4: Meeting start times may be listed, but are flexible. Before journeying to the Capitol or viewing the meeting online, verify the start time.
Note5: Watch for strikers, or strike everything amendments. Those involve inserting language that replaces the entirety of a bill. Those can be introduced at any time and can make a previously harmless bill become a very bad one.
On Monday, 3/10
House and Senate Rules meet at 1 p.m. in their respective rooms. On the agendas: many bills, though the agendas are far shorter than they are during most weeks. They may meet more than once this week, but, as of now, they're on the schedule once.
Senate Federalism meets at 1:30 p.m. is SHR2. On the agenda: no bills, just a propaganda session about fire insurance.
Senate Finance meets at 1:30 p.m. in SHR1. On the agenda: 12 bills. Includes HB2082, a bill that was sponsored by Gail Griffin (but reads as if it was written by an industry lobbyist), it would exempt wastewater pipes from sales tax; and HB2601, would exempt minors with an income of less than or equal to $50K from income tax, would also exempt the first $50K of a minor's income from withholding.
Senate Military Affairs and Border Security meets at 1:30 SHR109. On the agenda: four proposals; two are pure propaganda
House Health & Human Services meets at 2 p.m. in HHR4. On the agenda: eight bills. Includes SB1268, Wendy Rogers' scheme to have hospitals ask about a patient's immigration status.
House Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs meets at 2 p.m. in HHR3. On the agenda: two bills.
House Public Safety & Law Enforcement meets at 2 p.m. in HHR1. On the agenda: six bills.
On Tuesday, 3/11
Senate Appropriations meets at 1:30 p.m. in SHR109. On the agenda: nine proposals. Includes HB2814 and HCR2015, ploys by the legislature to increase its authority by grabbing control of federal block grants to entities in Arizona.
Senate Natural Resources meets at 1:30 p.m. in SHR1. On the agenda: 15 proposals. Most read as if they were written by an industry lobbyist.
House Commerce meets at 2 HHR5. On the agenda: four bills, one very bad, in a "shameless propaganda" sort of way.
House Education meets at 2 p.m. in HHR1. On the agenda: nine bills. Includes SB1091, mandating that school district budget override/bond election questions include language specifying a projected reduction in tax rates is the question is defeated. There are many other bad bills.
House Natural Resources, Energy & Water meets at 2 p.m. in HHR3. On the agenda: four bills. Includes SB1119, adding a phrase to AZ law to narrow down what the Residential Utility Consumer Office is supposed to do -
House Regulatory Oversight meets at 2 p.m. in HHR4. On the agenda; two bills.
On Wednesday, 3/12
House Government meets at 9 a.m. in HHR5. On the agenda: four bills, with one being an absolute doozy - SB1164 would allow officials or agencies of the state or political subdivisions to work with the feds in order to enforce federal immigration laws. It also would bar the same from creating and/or following policies that restrict that cooperation (IOW - no "sanctuary city" policies). It would also allow any state legislator to have the state AG investigate any such policy.
House Judiciary meets at 9 a.m. in HHR4. On the agenda: eight bills. Includes SB1014, legalizing silencers and SB1020, barring governing bodies of higher education campuses from barring concealed weapons on campus. Both are from Wendy Rogers.
House Ways &Means meets at 9 a.m. in HHR3. On the agenda: eight bills. Includes SB1331,.increasing the income tax exemption for capital gains.
Senate Government meets at 9 a.m. in SHR1. On the agenda: 12 proposals. At least nine are bad.
Senate Health and Human Services meets at 9 a.m. in SHR2. On the agenda: 10 bills.
Senate Regulatory Affairs and Government Efficiency meets at 9 a.m. in SHR109. On the agenda seven bills. Includes HB2068, working title "landlord tenant; assistance animals". I admit that I don't know much about this bill, but lobbyists for the Arizona Multihousing Association have weighed in as in favor of the bill, while disability advocates have registered as opposed to it. So the bill is bad for real people.
Senate Education meets at 1:30 p.m. in SHR1. On the agenda: five bills.
Senate Judiciary and Elections meets at 2 p.m. in SHR2. On the agenda: 15 bills. Includes HB2728, adding religious programs to the list of programs that a court can order be used for a DUI. There are other MAGA-related bill regarding elections on this agenda.
Senate Public Safety meets at 1:30 p.m. in SHR109. On the agenda: seven bills. Includes HB2896, appropriating General Fund monies and giving it to law enforcement agencies to buy aerial drones.
House Appropriation meets at 2 p.m. in HHR1. On the agenda: five bills.
House Federalism, Military Affairs & Elections meets at 2 p.m. in HHR4. On the agenda: 10 bills. Some MAGA propaganda bills.
House Transportation & Infrastructure meets at 2 p.m. in HHR3. On the agenda: six bills. Includes SB1019, Wendy Rogers' scheme to ban photo radar traffic enforcement systems in Arizona.
On Thursday, 3/13 - Nada.
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