Sunday, March 10, 2024

Legislative schedule - week starting 3/10/2024

Note: HHR refers to a hearing room in the House building; SHR refers to one in the Senate building.

Note2: Generally, I'll only specify bills that look to spread propaganda.  Other bills may be more conventionally bad (think: corrupt or other misuses of public monies and/or authority).  My recommendation is that if an agenda covers an area of interest to you, read the entire agenda.

Note3: Each chamber's respective Rules Committee meets on Monday, the House's in HHR4, generally at 1 p.m. and the Senate's in Senate Caucus Room 1, generally also at 1 p.m.  Both committees serve as rubber stamps for bills leadership wants to be advanced and gatekeepers for measures that leadership wants stopped.

Note4: Meeting start times may be listed, but are flexible.  Before journeying to the Capitol or viewing the meeting online, verify the start time.

Note5: Watch for strikers, or strike everything amendments.  Those involve inserting language that replaces the entirety of a bill.  Those can be introduced at any time and can make a previously harmless bill into a very bad one.

On Monday, 3/11 


House Health & Human Services meets at 2 p.m. in HHR4.  On the agenda: 11 bills, including a couple of pure propaganda bills - SB1407, expanding the religious exemption for employer required vaccines and SB1511, an anti trans bill.

House Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs meets at 2 p.m. in HHR3.  On the agenda: five bills, including SB1146, an anti animal vax propaganda bill.

House Military Affairs & Public Safety meets at 2 p.m. in HHR1.  On the agenda: 10 bills, including a proposed striker to SB1196, allowing the use of first responder flashing lights under specified conditions.  Also includes SCR1042, a love letter from Arizona's legislative Republicans to Texas Governor Greg Abbott expressing support for his craven (and homicidal) anti-Mexican acts.

Senate Elections meets at 2 p.m. in SHR1.  On the agenda: four bills, almost all propaganda.

Senate Finance and Commerce meets at 2 p.m. in SHR109.  On the agenda: one presentation and 14 bills, including a proposed striker to HB2199.  Most of the propaganda will be in the presentation - a lobbyist for cryptocurrency will be giving it.

Senate Transportation, Technology and Missing Children meets at 2 p.m. in SHR2.  On the agenda: eight bills, including HB2545 and HB2546, exempting vehicles built after 2018 from emissions testing and HB2586, making commercial entities liable for damages for providing "material harmful to minors" without also performing a "reasonable", but unspecified age verification process.

On Tuesday, 3/12  -

House Commerce meets at 2 p.m. in HHR3.  On the agenda: five bills. 

House Education meets at 2 HHR4.  On the agenda: four bills, all bad.

House Natural Resources, Energy and Water meets at 2 p.m. in HHR1.  On the agenda: two bills that read as if they were written by an industry lobbyist.

Senate Health and Human Services meets at 2 p.m. in SHR1.  On the agenda: 12 bills, including HB2502, requiring SNAP recipients participate in, with certain exceptions, a work training program.  One of the exceptions?  Working already.  Also includes HB2503, barring DES from granting waivers to that requirement and HB2621, stipulating that states are responsible for securing their borders with another country.

On Wednesday, 3/13 


House Judiciary meets at 9 HHR4.  On the agenda: six bills.

Senate Government meets at 9 a.m. in SHR1.  On the agenda: 14 bills; at least half of the agenda is propaganda of the anti-Maricopa County, ant-UN, anti-affirmative action, anti-federal government variety...actually, anti any level of government other than the state legislature and pro-hatred.

House Government meets at 10 a.m. in HHR3.  On the agenda: seven bills.  Two or which are pure propaganda and five of which (including the two) are simply bad government.

House Ways & Means meets at 10 HHR1.  On the agenda: three bills.

House Appropriations meets at 2 p.m. in HHR1.  On the agenda: three bills, including SCR1020, an example of the legislature trying to get around the governor by abdicating their budgetary duties.

House Municipal Oversight & Elections meets at 2 p.m. in HHR4.  On the agenda:10 bills, mostly propaganda.

House Regulatory Affairs meets at 2 p.m. in HHR5.  On the agenda: 11 bills, at least five of which fall under the "bad for society/buttress corporate profits" heading

House Transportation & Infrastructure meets at 2 p.m. in HHR3.  On the agenda: six bills, including SB1299, increasing the requirements that municipalities (and others) must meet in order to designate a traffic light-controlled intersection as a "no right turn on red" one.

Senate Education meets at 2 p.m. in SHR1.  On the agenda: four bills and two presentations.  Tom Horne is slated to give one of them, so it should be a colorful one.

Senate Military Affairs, Public Safety and Border Security meets at 2 p.m. in SHR2.  17 bills, including HB 2506, barring people from acting as foreign agents for "countries of concern," unless they're registered with the Attorney General. As Russia is listed as one such country, certain members of the lege may have to register.

On Thursday, 3/14 


Senate Judiciary meets at 9 a.m. in SHR1.  On the agenda: 13 bills, including HB2843, expanding the definition of "premises" for the purposes of self-defense.

Senate Natural Resources, Energy and Water meets at 9 a.m. in SHR2.  On the agenda: 21 bills, including HB2628, working title "department of environmental quality; omnibus".  Omnibus bills always worry me, and this one seems sneaky bad.  There are a few clauses that appear to be worrisome, like the one that repeals section 49-257 of AZ law, which concerns the applicability of federal definitions regarding the underground injection control program in the safe water drinking act.

On Friday, 3/15 


Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee meets at 10 a.m. in SHR1.  On the agenda: no bills, but there will be much propaganda spewed here.  The committee membership includes Congresscritters Eli Crane and Paul Gosar, AZ state legislators Sens. Janae Shamp, TJ Shope, and Rep. Steve Montenegro, and Peter McCullough, a cardiologist who's a noted trafficker in Covid lies.  And if that rogues' gallery isn't convincing of the propagandistic purpose of this misuse of public facilities and funds, the chosen acronym for this committee (NCSWIC) is a QAnon invention.

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