Saturday, November 12, 2022

Well, it's obvious that Masters has learned one thing from Cheeto-it doesn't matter if one wins or loses an election, one should never stop grifting

Did Masters hear Peter Thiel's whip cracking did he respond to a silent tug on his leash as if he had heard the whip?

The Arizona race for a seat in the U.S Senate favors incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly.

In fact, it favors him so much, the race has been called for Kelly.

From Yahoo! -

Mark Kelly defeats Blake Masters in Arizona, leaving Democrats 1 seat away from holding the Senate

Incumbent Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly has defeated his Republican challenger, Blake Masters, in Arizona, boosting Democratic hopes of holding onto the Senate.

With 83% of votes counted, the Associated Press called the race Friday evening for Kelly — a Navy combat veteran, retired NASA astronaut and the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz. He leads Masters, a 36-year-old “anti-progressive” venture capitalist, by an insurmountable 52% to 46% margin.

Yet that loss isn't slowing down Masters.

From an email from Conservative Intel (I'm on some really weird email lists.  :) ) -

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