Sunday, August 28, 2022

With Cheeto, the grift never ends. Neither does a certain other bad habit.

From Mother Jones, emphasis added by me -

Trump’s Truth Social Is in Trouble

Lately, Donald Trump has been screaming into the void. He is taking to his own social media site, Truth Social, to complain about the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, but not many people (bar a few reporters) seem to be listening. That’s a far cry from his days as a Twitter influencer before he was finally booted from the platform.

The site’s traffic has tumbled to about 300,000 views per day, down from 1.5 million on the day of its launch, the Washington Post reported Saturday. And that is one of a slew of problems for the would-be Twitter competitor. The Patent and Trademark Office this month refused Trump’s application for a trademark for the site’s name. The site has been panned for forcing people who want to sign up to languish on a waitlist.


The Trump company has also stopped paying a key vendor. Fox Business reported this week that Truth Social owes a web-hosting company called RightForge $1 million and has failed to make contractually required payments since March.

RightForge Holdings is NC-registered Delaware corporation, formed in Wyoming on 4/6/2022.

That's a LOT of opacity for one corporation.  It's almost like they're *trying* to hide something.

Anyway, Cheeto has a long and well-documented history of not paying his bills.  He's even been sued over it.

At least he's consistent; vile, but consistent.

Of course, being consistent, he's probably already drained all of the cash out of the business.  He seems to have the same attitude toward all of his activities, be it business or elected office - someone - not him, *never* him - gets screwed financially.

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