Saturday, May 21, 2022

Gee, and I thought that Republicans were supportive of Big Business...profits

Apparently, that's crap.

Of course, they also claim to be supportive of free speech.

We already knew that was crap.

At least, sometimes they multitask.

Their tender sensibilities and easily ruffled feathers are more important to them.

From CBS News -

Barnes & Noble pressured to restrict sales of 2021's most banned book

A Virginia legislator is suing Barnes & Noble to block the book chain from selling two "obscene" books to minors without parental consent. The move comes as conservative lawmakers across the country seek to ban schools and libraries from offering books with content they find objectionable. 

Tim Anderson, a Republican lawyer who serves in the Virginia House of Delegates, said he filed a lawsuit on behalf of his client, Tommy Altman, who is running for Congress. Altman, who describes himself as a disabled veteran, states in a cmpaign video on his website that he is running to protect freedom, including the right to free speech. 

My only question is, when this scheme comes to Arizona (and it surely will), is will it be done by Cathi Herrod directly or will it be fronted by one of her water carriers in the legislature?

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