Saturday, April 16, 2022

Florida embraces propaganda and chooses ignorance for its kids

From KPMG (Orlando) -

Florida education officials reject 54 math textbooks for ‘attempts to indoctrinate students’

Dozens of math textbooks were rejected by the Florida Department of Education after officials said their publishers were attempting to indoctrinate students.

According to an FDOE news release Friday, the department did not initially include 54 of the 132 submitted textbooks on the state’s adopted list.


Math books?  Really?

Unless DeSantis and his watercarriers are trying to protect FL's students from the perils of algebra (actually, they look to be sacrificing their children and their education on the altar of DeSantis' presidential ambitions), I'm going suggest that they go on an Ex-Lax diet*.


1. I'm not a medical professional, and can't prescribe anything.

2. They're so full of it, that I'm not sure it would help them anyway.

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