Monday, October 04, 2021

Killing folks: it's a Republican thing.

From NPR -

Lawmakers and the pope ask Missouri's governor to halt an execution. He says no

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson on Monday declined to grant clemency to death row inmate Ernest Johnson, despite requests for mercy from the pope, two federal lawmakers and thousands of petition signers.

Johnson, 61, was convicted of killing three convenience store workers during a closing-time robbery in 1994. He is scheduled to die by injection at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the state prison in Bonne Terre, about 50 miles south of St. Louis.

"The state is prepared to deliver justice and carry out the lawful sentence Mr. Johnson received in accordance with the Missouri Supreme Court's order," Parson, a Republican, said in a statement about his decision not to reduce the sentence to life in prison without the possibility of parole.


Weiss said executing Johnson would violate the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits executing intellectually disabled people. He said multiple IQ tests and other exams have shown that Johnson has the intellectual capacity of a child. He also was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and in 2008, he lost about 20% of his brain tissue to the removal of a benign tumor.

Parson is a lot like Donald Trump, and not just in a death-for-others wish sort of way.

From Politico in early October of 2020 -

Missouri governor mirrors Trump: Covid-positive after months of virus criticism


If President Donald Trump wants to know what it’s like to contract coronavirus in the final weeks of a campaign while taking heat for a laissez-faire approach to the pandemic, he can ask Missouri Gov. Mike Parson.

Parson, a Trump ally in a Republican-leaning state, quickly reopened Missouri after issuing a stay-at-home order in April, leaving much of the later response up to local governments. His hands-off approach has remained even as infection rates climbed and he suffered his own: Parson announced in late September he tested positive, and then on Wednesday said that he and his wife had “recovered.”

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