Monday, September 06, 2021

In the name of anti-vax purity, the Pinal County Supervisors throw rural folks under the bus.

From KJZZ -

Pinal County Supervisors Vote To Reject $3.4 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Grant

Last week, the Pinal County Board of Supervisors rejected a $3.4 million federal grant aimed at improving vaccine equity.

The board voted 3-2 against accepting the grant money from the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Linda Lyon of Blog for Arizona has a take based on an Arizona Republic story on the same matter here.

From the minutes of the meeting -

It doesn't specify which supes voted against helping rural Pinal County residents, but Lyon has that - 

Kevin Kavanaugh, who has a history of opposing anti-Covid efforts.

Jeff Serdy, who has much the same history.  But he thinks that enhancing corporate profits are a good thing.

Jeff McClure, a fellow traveler on the "sacrifice the lives of others" ideological trail..

While all three are from cities/developments in Pinal County, and one knows it from their votes, there's a *lot* of rural in Pinal County.   From the website of the US Census -

1. Wear a damn mask.

2. Get vaccinated. 

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