Saturday, July 10, 2021

The GOP's new/old favorite word - "Conflate"

 From Merriam-Webster -

Want an example?

GOP Lawmaker Says Vaccine Drive Is Part of Biden Plot

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) said that the Biden administration’s immunization drive sounded more to him like a plot to begin confiscating firearms and doing away with religion.

The last time I checked, vaccines and Covid have nothing to do with guns or religion, but GOPers aren't going to let facts get in the way of a talking point..


Thane Eichenauer said...

I hope and pray that before people swallow what Madison Cawthorn has to say that they take five minutes to drink a nice cup of coffee.

Copper Star Coffee

Craig said...

And if they *do* listen to what Cawthorn has to say, they may have something other than coffee in that cup.