Saturday, July 31, 2021

Of course, the less religious Americans are less likely to believe that intelligent life exists *here*

That balances, right? :)

From PEW Research -

Religious Americans less likely to believe intelligent life exists on other planets

Religious and secular thinkers alike have long discussed what the implications for religion would be if humans discovered intelligent life on other planets. In the United States, highly religious adults are much more skeptical about the possibility of extraterrestrial life compared with those who are less religious, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.

This is evidenced by a variety of measures of religious engagement. For example, U.S. Christians are far less likely than religiously unaffiliated Americans to say that their “best guess” is that intelligent life exists on other planets (57% vs. 80%). And U.S. adults who attend religious services on at least a weekly basis are considerably less likely than those who seldom or never attend services to say that intelligent life exists elsewhere (44% vs. 75%).

I won't say that I absolutely believe that there is intelligent life on other planets, but I really hope that we're not the pinnacle of intelligence in the universe.

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