Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tonight's LD17 Clean Elections General Election Forum

was held at Tempe High, and like the Primary Election Forum held in July, was sponsored the the Arizona Capitol Times and moderated by Phil Riske.

I'll do a more complete report sometime over the next few days, but I wanted to cover a couple of the high points.

1. Meg Burton-Cahill, Ed Ableser, and David Schapira are great candidates. Yeah, I'm repeating what I said after the EV Tribune Forum on Tuesday, but it bears repeating. They bring the intelligence, work ethic, and fire to the Legislature that the district needs.

2. During the Senate part of the forum, Republican Rose Crutcher stated that she is supports raising legislative salaries but is opposed to raising the minimum wage.

That's a nice little two-step. Methinks she's been paying a little too much attention to Jon Kyl.

3. Also during the Senate forum, Crutcher expressed support for a guest worker plan that sounded a*exactly* like the Pence/Hutchinson plan that is still being pushed in Congress.

We already know what I
think of that plan.

4. During the State Rep part of the forum, Republican Laura Knaperek, when asked about Prop 107, the anti-same sex marriage and unmarried couples of any gender combination constitutional amendment, stated that she thought it was "unfortunate that we have to go to the ballot to change our constitution."

Given the current insanity ruling the legislature, I thank God that it takes a vote of the electorate to pass an amendment to the state constitution.

Overall, it went about as expected. There were fireworks, but much less than on Tuesday. The format just didn't lend itself to that.

The Reps are continuing with their plan to campaign against the Governor, to give the legislature the credit for anything that has gone right in AZ, and to zing the Democratic candidates for their youth.

The Democrats continued to call them out on that, and to put forward a vision of a positive future for Arizona.

Got to go for now.

Have a good night!

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