Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Rick Renzi (R-Mantech) under the ethics microscope yet again

And it's not just the FEC this time.

The Phoenix New Times has an article by Sarah Fenske exposing Rick Renzi's shady land dealings in his district.

Part of the scam included the 1992 sale of 1/2 of his real estate investment company to a partner for $200,000, followed by the sale of the rest of the business for between $1 million and $5 million to the same partner, after he was in Congress.

Later, he pushed legislation that benefited the same man, James Sandlin.

The article is a good one, and I strongly recommend reading it.

The best quote is from Mr. Sandlin.

"Rick Renzi is one of the most honest and ethical people I've ever met in my life."

Mr. Sandlin needs to get out more. Other people who know the good Congressman have a somewhat different opinion.

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington rates our Rick as one of the "20 most corrupt members of Congress."

Plugged In's take on the take on the news is here.
AZ Congresswatch's coverage here.
A Sierra Vista Herald article on a proposed land swap that's dissected by Fenske in her article is here. (Thanks to anisozet at DailyKos for the link.)
Anisozet's diary entry at DailyKos on the subject is here.

Nothing on the Ellen Simon for Congress website as yet, but I expect that to change soon.

Nothing on the AZDems website, but I expect that to change soon.

Nothing on the Renzi for Congress website, and I *don't* expect that to change anytime soon. :))

Kudos to Ms. Fenske on her story. Maybe there's hope for investigative reporting in the state even after the loss of John Dougherty.


On edit: I may have spoken too soon. I checked my email a few minutes ago. The Simon campaign is already on it. :)

End edit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting... I love that you refer to him as (R-Mantech)!