Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hobson's choice in LD18

Pity the poor residents of LD18.

They have a fine candidate for state legislature in Tammie Pursley. She's smart and practical and hard working and deeply cares about the district. She'll be a great addition to the state house of representatives.

Unfortunately, there are *two* seats in the lege for LD18, which leaves the voters of the district in a bind, one that they cannot escape. They will be stuck with at least one representative who is an embarrassment to civil people everywhere. Even if they don't vote for either one.

On the one hand, they could get Mark Anderson, an incumbent who actively worked against a bill that made spousal rape a crime on the same severity and penalty level as any other rape.

On the other hand, they could send Russell Pearce back to the legislature.

The same Russell Pearce who wants to start up Operation Wetback.

The same Russell Pearce who quotes neo-Nazis in his campaign emails.

The same Russell Pearce who is so embarrassing that the normally shameless JD Hayworth has withdrawn his endorsement of Pearce.

I know that sometimes we have to hold our noses while we pick the lesser of two evils, but what if there's no 'lesser' evil to select? Just 'different'?

Is it too late to start up a write-in campaign in LD18?

1 comment:

Michael said...

At the end of the day, Mark Anderson voted in favor of the marital rape repeal while Russell Pearce actually voted against it. Basically you have a choice between a neanderthal and a cro-magnon man.