Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Yet another reason for the far right to hate Mexican immigrants

Or maybe I should have said "fear" them, since they've been tainted by the mortal sin of 'sex education'.

Thanks to jobsanger for the pointing out this one...

From (Houston Chronicle):
Mexico adds sex to school syllabus

MEXICO CITY - When Mexican seventh-graders crack open their new biology books this week, they're in for a titillating surprise: Chapter four is all about sex.

And it's not the sterilized sex education of the past...

To be sure, Mexico's version of the theocratic right wing is all scandalized by this, and is doing their best imitation of our very own theocons.
Church officials and conservative groups are outraged. They charge that the texts — which are required teaching — encourage promiscuity and "abnormal" sexual practices. They are pressuring the federal government to remove passages they consider offensive.

Apparently though, as noted by reproductive rights groups, "that Mexico's constitution prevents religious groups from interfering in education."

Separation of church and state. What a crazy concept. Who ever heard of such a thing????

And since any immigrant from Mexico could be infected by this radical idea, somebody should alert Congressman Hayworth and the Minutemen. They need to redouble their efforts to protect America from this infestation of heresy.

To inspire them, maybe we should promise that any Minutemen who give his life in performance of his sacred duty will get 72 virgins in the afterlife...oh, wait...I'm mixing up my fanatics...never mind. :))

Note: I kept trying to find a way to work the phrase "conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids" into this post, but I just couldn't find a way.

Must be slipping in my old age or something, LOL.

...On the other hand, it's easy to segue to the Hayworth campaign's latest press release, titled "Mitchell Immigration Plan to Cost $126 Billion."

JD, as usual, is playing fast and loose with the truth.

The bill, S2611, was sponsored by Arlen Specter, with co-sponsors Brownback, Hagel, Martinez, Graham, McCain, and Kennedy. Last time I checked, Harry Mitchell hasn't been elected to the US Senate at all, much less under any of those names, and had nothing to do with the writing of the bill.

Of course, JD is running against Harry, not against any of those senators (of course2, JD could be looking to 2010 with his strident opposition to the bill, but I digress.)

If JD keeps up his pattern, by the election we're going to see press releases from him that say things like "Mitchell rain storms cause bad hair days" and the like.


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