Saturday, August 19, 2006

Surveys, Challenges, Bounties, and Quotes; Update for Saturday, August 19th

...Survey USA (courtesy Michael Barone of US News and World Report) has released its latest job approval numbers for US Senators, including our own Jon Kyl. More data here.

Sen. Kyl, with an overall approval rating of 53%, ranked 55th (by comparison, with a 63% approval rating, John McCain came in at 16th), shows an upward trend over the last few months. In May's survey, his approval rating bottomed out at 44%, and has risen since.

Something tells me that the Pederson campaign read the same survey, because...

...KVOA of Tucson is reporting that the Pederson campaign has challenged the incumbent to a series of three televised debates and that "[Sen.] Kyl has agreed in principal."

According to the story, challenger Jim Pederson wants the debates spread out geographically, one each in northern, central, and southern Arizona.

What the Pederson campaign should do is let the Kyl campaign pick out the locations of the debates, as long Jon Kyl has to stand in front of a huge poster of George W. Bush during the debates, LOL.

...The EV Tribune has the story on the Republican Party's bounty program for enrolling new voters into the GOP.

They say that $10 per new voter goes to the GOP organization (LD or club) that signs up the voter, not to individuals. However, the infamous Nathan Sproul has received 2/3 of the money paid out so far.

Wonder if he's found the lost Democratic registration forms from 2004 yet?

...In an AZ Rep story, Brian Hummell, spokesman for embattled Congressman JD Hayworth, is quoted as saying "we'll be glad to get past the (focus on) Abramoff-Keating funds..."

I'm sure they'll be ecstatic to slink away from the ethics comparisons - they spent the last couple of weeks flinging mud at Harry Mitchell, but none of it stuck.

Now, they look dirtier than ever by comparison.

Have a great weekend!

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