Thursday, August 24, 2006

Reminder: LD18 Candidate Forum Tonight

Just a reminder for anyone who's interested -

There's going to be a Candidate Forum and Town Hall for the candidates for LD18 Representative tonight at EVIT (1601 W. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85201 - on the south side of Main at Longmore) in Mesa. The forum starts at 7 with a free dinner from RigaTony's beforehand.

Democrat Tammie Pursley and Republicans Russell Pearce and Mark Anderson will be there.

Come out and help Tammie Pursley send one of the Republican reps to the legislative bench in November. And enjoy some good food as a reward for your efforts.

The event is sponsored by Mesa ACORN.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Two words: spousal rape.

This is becoming a major issue down here in the LD28 Senate race, and I think Ms. Pursley could (and should) effectively raise it in her campaign too.

Russell Pearce was one of only five members to vote against a repeal of Arizona's archaic spousal rape statute in 2005 and Mark Anderson was one of the Human Services Committee members who initially voted the bill down (it was later reintroduced and received overwhelming bipartisan support before being passed to the Governor for signature).

You have a woman candidate running against two men who don't seem to understand that rape is rape and false reporting is a red herring. I don't know much about this district, but I imagine there are enough voters who would like to know why Mr. Pearce believes a husband has a right to rape his wife.