Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Quick roundup for Tuesday, August 15

...The minimum wage initiative was certified by the AZ Secretary of State and will appear on the ballot in November (AZ Capitol Times)...

...USVP Dick Cheney is in AZ to help the embattled AZGOP with its fundraising efforts...uses his remarks to strongly support the war in Iraq and Joe Lieberman in CT. What a shock. Really. :) ...

...The AZ State Court of Appeals has ruled that email messages composed by public officials on publicly-owned computers are not subject to AZ's public disclosure laws. AZ Republic expected to appeal the decision to AZ Supreme Court...

...Senator John McCain is stumping in Iowa...

...NPR has a very good piece on the Mitchell/Hayworth race in CD5...

...On the lighter side (from my perspective, anyway :) ), Jeff Flake is visiting tuna canneries in American Samoa (KVOA). Can't wait to read his "How I spent my summer vacation" press release on this one. It'll be interesting how the king of the anti-pork movement ties a trip to Samoa to his district (which is where Congressmen are supposed to be this month.)...

...Yesterday, the AZ Supreme Court overturned the death penalty for Frank Roque. A few days after September 11, 2001, Mr. Roque killed an immigrant Sikh, Balbir Singh Sodhi, after mistaking him for an Arab.

While I am wholeheartedly opposed to capital punishment, I have to wonder what the court's ruling would have been if an immigrant Sikh (or one from any ethnic group) had killed a citizen...

...Bill Searle has a good column in the Scottsdale Republic on the Democratic candidates in LD8, and on supporting Governor Napolitano...

...The Rep's Plugged In reports that Democratic State Senator Robert Cannell of Yuma is endorsing Jon Kyl for re-election. Sen. Cannell isn't running this time around.

More later....

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