Friday, August 11, 2006

News Roundup for Friday, August 11

Here and there.....

...From the "This one didn't take too long" category -

The Republicans are already playing the race card in their rush to support Joe Lieberman/undermine Ned Lamont in Connecticut.

From Robert Novak on Human Events Online:

Old-line Connecticut Democrats who backed insurgent candidate Ned Lamont against Sen. Joseph Lieberman were appalled to see their candidate flanked ... by two contentious African-American political activists from out of state.

He was specifically referring to Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton.

...Also in the "didn't take too long category", the Republicans are already tying their fundraising efforts to the foiled terror plot in London. They blame an unnamed 'anonymous staffer' for it. Thanks to Desert Beacon (Nevada) for this one.

In a related note, embattled incumbent Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) accused the Democrats of being the ones who have politicized the "War on Terror." [Found through CSPAN's]

"People, particularly those on the left, have seen this as a political football," he [Santorum] argued.
Personal note: I expect the equally embattled JD Hayworth and Jon Kyl to echo his sentiments soon.

On edit: It took just the few hours since I wrote the original post for JD to come through like the ideological trooper that he is and politicize the events in England. He's using it to push his anti-immigrant positions.

From the Wall Street Journal Online, speaking about the conflict between the House's and the Senate's immigration deform proposals:
The foiled plot is "a pointed and potent reminder that security literally begins at our doorstep, at our borders and points of entry," said Arizona Republican Rep. J.D. Hayworth, who called the Senate approach "wrong-headed."
The CD8 Republican primary is briefly mentioned in the article.

End edit.

Personal note2: The Reps may be shameless, but at least they can't be accused of inconsistency. They're ALWAYS shameless.

...The Tucson Citizen's editorial board has looked at all 4 of the Rep candidates for governor, and found them all lacking. They have declined to endorse any of them for the primary. Thanks to Dan Nowicki at the AZRepublic's Plugged In for finding this.

...I finally received my ballot for Early Voting. Whooooo hooooo!!

We only have two Democratic races on the ballot here - State Rep for D17 (pick 2 of 4), and Superintendent of Public Instruction (1 of 2).

The Democratic candidates for D17 State Rep (in the order that they are listed on the ballot):

David Schapira
Rhett Wilson
Ed Ableser
Angie Crouse

For Superintendent of Public Instruction:

Jason Williams
Slade Mead

Both Ric Boyer and Mark Manoil are candidates for Corporation Commission, but since 2 candidates advance to the general election, that doesn't qualify as a 'race.'

Also on the ballot, there is a referendum for Scottsdale seeking to uphold or overturn the City Council-passed SOB ordinance.

Yeah, "SOB" is short for "Sexually Oriented Business"; I just like using 'SOB' in the same sentence as 'City Council.' :)

Anyway, time to go fill out my ballot....later!!

1 comment:

Craig said...

Oops. I didn't know that. I thought there was just one printing.

Thanks for the info!