Thursday, August 10, 2006

News for Thursday, August 10th...

The Mitchell and Hayworth campaigns continued their war of press releases today.

The Mitchell campaign put a post from Joanie Flatt that was originally on her blog on on their website.

They also put up one of their own talking about how JD is calling his own Abramoff-related numbers a "lie".

The Hayworth campaign put up the one that said the Mitchell campaign was lying when they quoted JD's own numbers regarding how much money he took from Abramoff's clients.

AZCongressWatch has a good summary of this one....

Lofty Donkey and R-Cubed have been chiming in on JD's ethics (or lack thereof) too....

...Tim at The Word From Arizona's Fifth District has some more bad news for JD...

...While I don't have a pic available, in my travels around CD5 (mostly the southern part), I've noticed a couple of JD's signs with yellow add-on signs (I know there's probably a technical term for it, but don't know what it is) that say "Lower Taxes" and "Balanced Budgets".


If he was being honest, they'd say "Lower Taxes...for the Wealthiest Americans" and "Balanced the Democrats."

...In other news, a judge ruled that the Protect Arizona Now anti-same sex/unmarried couples constitutional amendment can stay on the ballot....

...The Arizona Capitol Times is reporting that the Citizens Clean Elections Commission has dismissed a complaint against Len Munsil and is moving forward with an inquiry into one against Governor Napolitano...

...The Capitol Times is also reporting that the AZGOP filed a complaint with the AZ Secretary of State stating that some Democratic candidates did not have 'paid for by' statements on their websites. They want the candidates punished even if the mistake was rectified months ago.

My favorite line from the press release on the website was "consequently, these individuals have violated the aforementioned statue:" (Emphasis mine)

I'm pretty sure that the AZSOS isn't responsible for investigating violations of statues. Maybe the GOP should refer it to whoever handled the "sheep violation" investigation in Mesa a few months back, lol.

Seriously, if you are interested in the list of candidates, visit the AZGOP's press release.

The Reps also make it clear in their letter that this is payback for the Democrats' complaint against Len Munsil (I think it was Munsil, anyway) for the same thing.

...On an issue that isn't AZ-specific, but one that will affect the elections this fall, a new study released today shows that immigrants aren't taking jobs from citizens. Link to the research group's press release here. Thanks to jobsanger in Texas for the heads-up.

...The Phoenix Business Journal reports that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Republican Steve Huffman for the open Congressional seat in CD8. My reaction - "Yawn." However, I'm sure that if anyone in CD8 actually cares, Tedski at R-Cubed or Stacy at AZCongresswatch will have reports.

...Also in the Business Journal, they have a poll on their website about the Rep candidates for Governor. As I am typing this post, "none of the above" leads Don Goldwater 54% to 23%, with Munsil, Tupper and Harris following at 16%, 3%, and 1%, respectively. It's unscientific, but still, it doesn't say much for the respect that the Rep field is getting from the electorate.


1 comment:

TimWilsonAZ said...

R-Cubed... I bet Tedski loves that. :D