Sunday, September 15, 2024

Your tax money at work: Charter schools discriminate against English Language Learners

From AZFamily, written by David Baker -

Legacy Schools in Arizona discriminated against English learners

Changes are coming to 22 charter schools in Arizona after federal investigators say the network of schools discriminated against students who didn’t speak English.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights announced on Friday it has reached a deal with Legacy Traditional Schools after finding the violations.

Officials say the schools didn’t offer equitable learning opportunities to English language learners, failed to have qualified teachers and didn’t track their progress.

Legacy Traditional also didn’t tell parents about programs and activities in a language they could understand.

Some non-English speaking students were also given instruction in the cafeteria instead of the classroom

Republican Congressman Juan Ciscomani has even praiseed one of their locations.

Wonder if his opinion of Legacy will change because of USDOJ's announcement?

Legacy Schools hides behind a byzantine collection of LLCs (and I haven't unraveled them all), but one thing is obvious - Aaron Hale, touted by Legacy Traditional as the founder of Legacy Traditional, is still involved with them 

According to the letter from USDOJ to Legacy, contained in the article, Legacy schools are managed managed by Vertex Education.

Hale owns Vertex.

From a filing with the Arizona Corporation Commission -

Hale regularly gives money to Republican candidates (and wannabes) -

David Schweikert -

Kyrsten Sinema -

Karrin Taylor Robson -

There are others, but readers get the point.  It certainly appears the Hale has received a positive return on his investment.

Still looking for ties between Vertex, Legacy, et. al., and Tom Horne, a noted bigot.  He hates English Language Learners and may approve of what Legacy did while despising the the feds caught them at it.

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