Sunday, September 15, 2024

Another Cheeto (alleged) assassination attempt: Pardon, my cynicism is showing

Let me be clear:  politically-motivated violence has absolutely NO place in our society.


Not even if the alleged target is an utterly vile human being.

Having said that, I find it rather curious that when Cheeto has a bad week (and his debate performance was epically bad) he experiences an "attempted assassination" that may serve to alter his media coverage.

Cheeto may be the one person who can make Americans more cynical about politics than Richard Nixon.


John said...

Congratulations for posting the mother of all wacko conspiracy theories.

Craig said...

"Conspiracy theory"? You wish. Maybe Cheeto would have more credibility if he didn't lie like normal people breathe. Should I trot out a reference to the parable "The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf!" "?