Saturday, August 17, 2024

Get ready for a bumpy ride - AZ is in play in the November election

One upside that few folks have thought of:  the sales people at AZ TV and radio stations will sell a lot of ad time.

Expect lots of ads trying to instill fear of Kamala Harris and others trying to tie Donald Trump to bad acts.

Oh wait - the Trump stuff will be on the news.

He's a lousy human being and any ads will just have reiterate the news.

From fivethirtyeight -.

The polls initiated by the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) and HighGround (a consulting firm run by a group of Republican fixers lobbyists) may be a little biased, but even those polls are close.

Caveat: this all bodes well for Harris, but now there's only one poll that really counts, and it takes place in November.

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