Sunday, August 04, 2024

Either Cheeto is trying to tank the election or he believes the fix is in

Since he seems to want everyone kissing his butt and the other perks (and the regal stature immunity conferred upon the POTUS by certain justices on the US Supreme Court) that goes with the gig, my guess is that he figures the fix is in, and no matter what he says or does, he'll win.

From Politico -

Trump goes low as Harris gains ground

In a succession of crude social media posts, Trump called Harris “low IQ,” “dumb” and lacking “mental capacity.”

Donald Trump broadsided Kamala Harris in a string of derisive social media posts on Saturday, focusing his attacks on the vice president’s intellect after a week that saw her both out-fundraise him and surpass him in some battleground state polls.

In a succession of Truth Social posts after calling off his planned ABC debate with Harris, Trump called Harris “low IQ,” “dumb,” and said she lacked the “mental capacity” to debate him.


“Anytime Trump isn’t talking about inflation, immigration and the economy, he’s not winning voters,” said Barrett Marson, a Republican strategist in Arizona. “Going after Harris’ intellect isn’t going to move middle-of-the-road voters. They’re not going to care about whether a former prosecuting attorney is dumb or smart. They want to hear about a plan to rein in inflation and bring down interest rates and make the economy work for the middle class.”

Marson added: “He wants the bouncy house that is a Fox News crowd. He doesn’t want to do ABC. This is a nice way for him to rile her up.”

The polling is neck-and-neck (caveat: at this point, there's only one poll that really matters, and it takes place in November).  But I'm guessing Cheeto isn't worried.

From 538 -

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