Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Legislative schedule - week starting 2/25/2024 Part 2

Because I was caught up in doing something else this week, this post will be done in two parts.  Part one covers Monday and Tuesday while part two (this one) covers Wednesday and Thursday. 

Note: HHR refers to a hearing room in the House building; SHR refers to one in the Senate building.

Note2: Generally, I'll only specify bills that look to spread propaganda.  Other bills may be more conventionally bad (think: corrupt or other misuses of public monies and/or authority).  My recommendation is that if an agenda covers an area of interest to you, read the entire agenda.

Note3: Each chamber's respective Rules Committee meets on Monday, the House's in HHR4 at 1 p.m. and the Senate's in Senate Caucus Room 1, also at 1 p.m.  Both committees serve as rubber stamps for bills leadership wants to be advanced and gatekeepers for measures that leadership wants stopped.

Note4: Meeting start times may be listed, but are flexible.  Before journeying to the Capitol or viewing the meeting online, verify the start time.

Note5: Watch for strikers, or strike everything amendments.  Those involve inserting language that replaces the entirety of a bill.  Those can be introduced at any time and can make a previously harmless bill into a very bad one.

On Wednesday, 2/28 


House Judiciary meets at 9 a.m. in HHR4.  On the agenda: nine bills, including SB1007, making it a class 5 felony for an employee or contractor of a public school or library to refer a minor to any material considered to be sexually explicit or to facilitate access to the same.  There are some other very bad bills on this agenda, too.

Senate Government meets at 9 or 9:30 a.m.(there's some discrepancy) in SHR1.  On the agenda: six bills.

House Government meets at 10 a.m.in HHR3.  On the agenda: four bills, at least three of which are pure propaganda.

House Ways & Means meets at 10 a.m. in HHR1.  On the agenda: five bills, including some that reduce revenues.

House Appropriations meets at 2 p.m. in HHR1.  On the agenda: two bills including SCR1020, a proposed amendment to the state's constitution to would continue the previous year's general appropriations bill (budget bill) if no new budget bill has been enacted by the start of the new fiscal year.  If this passes at the ballot box, we should then delete the section of the state constitution creating the legislature;  a budget is the only real reason for the lege to exist.

House Municipal Oversight & Elections meets at 2 p.m. in HHR4.  On the agenda: five bills, four of which are propaganda from the school of  "Republicans have lost the last couple of elections and boy, are we PISSED."

Senate Education meets at 2 p.m. in SHR1.  On the agenda: six bills, including HB2178, a proposal to have university students decide to bar their tuition and fees from going to support organizations of which they don't approve.

House Government is scheduled to meet again upon the adjournment of the previous House Government.  The picture says "5 p.m." but I expect the meeting to take place far earlier that.  On the agenda: one bill.

On Thursday, 2/29 


Senate Judiciary meets at 2:30 p.m.in SHR1 (originally scheduled for 9 a.m., it's been moved a couple of times and serves as a reminder to keep an eye on meeting times.)  On the agenda: appointments to a couple of different judicial commissions and one bill.

Senate Natural Resources, Energy and Water meets at 1 p.m.in SHR2.  On the agenda:  a presentation and 13 bills.  The bills read as if they were written by an industry lobbyist.

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