Sunday, December 17, 2023

Prefiling bills, or the AZ lege's way of getting an early start..

...Hey, it may be getting an early start on cravenness and insanity, but an early start is an early start, right?

State Sen. Wendy Rogers (R-Bigot) has proposed three measures, and two are related to banning the use of photo radar to enforce traffic laws, one proposed bill and one proposed amendment to the Arizona Constitution.

This public hatred for photo radar that the legislature has is something that they've had for a while.

Mostly because they keep running into it.

The other bill (for now, I'm sure she has more nuggets of ugly to propose) is SB1004.

This one seeks to bar foreign ownership of agricultural land in AZ, but this appears to be meaningless Republican nativist propaganda.

While we've had our issues with that, specifically Saudi Arabia depleting groundwater in rural AZ, this proposal impacts neither water nor Saudi Arabia.

From Rogers' bill proposal -

There are other issues here that lead me to believe that is just nativist propaganda (e.g. - it's sloppily written) and isn't going to go anywhere, but it's an early sign that the AZ legislature intends to produce lots of garbage, and not much that will help the average Arizonan.

Hope Governor Hobbs has kept her veto pen close at hand.

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