Saturday, June 19, 2021

I must've kicked a puppy dog in a previous life

 or at least walked under a ladder or something.

I'm on the email list for, an email fundraising group (link opens to a WaPo story; WaPo is generally behind a paywall).

Whatever did I do to deserve this? :)

I know that displays of fealty to Trump may be transcendent in the GOP right now, but money still matters to Republicans.

Still, this is ridiculous and reeks of desperation.

They really need to do a better job of screening their list.

I've received solicitations for financial support for Kelli Ward (chair of the AZGOP and something of a shameless hypocrite) and the fraudit of Maricopa County votes conducted by the AZGOP,  Hillsdale College, a conservative indoctrination/fundraising operation (link opens to an article from The Atlantic, also generally behind a paywall), signing Trump's birthday card, and being on Trump's "honor roll".  Now they're using "fear of the other"', and the truth, to ask for money to help them remove Lloyd Austin, the first African-American Secretary of Defense.

Oh, and as I was composing this post, I received an email asking me to contribute some money for a chance to win a trip to Cheeto's rally in Ohio.

Spoiler alert:

Not gonna happen.


Thane Eichenauer said...

Dag nabbit! I was all ready to learn how many tickets you bought.

Craig said...
