Monday, April 29, 2013

Jeff Flake: goes from America's most heartless flip-flopper to America's least popular senator

...Probably not a coincidence there...

From The Atlantic Wire, written by Alexander Abad-Santos -

It wasn't easy dethroning Mitch McConnell as America's least favorite Senator, but Jeff Flake has done that in just three short months, a new poll out Monday reveals — and his fall from rising-star grace is not quite the head-scratcher you might think. In November, Flake won his Arizona Senate seat by almost 5 percentage points, but it was a lot closer than "the double-digit lead he held earlier in the year," ABC News reported at the time. Flake, a popular six-time Congressman who won previous elections with as much as 74 percent of the vote, strode into the seat of former Minority Whip Jon Kyl as a face of turnaround for the state and the Republican party. But, oh, how the mighty can fall in a time of guns, immigration, and constant polling.

The Numbers

Public Policy Polling, in their latest survey on the fallout of the recent vote on gun legislation, explains just how much people don't like Mr. Flake:
Just 32% of voters approve of him to 51% who disapprove and that -19 net approval rating makes him the most unpopular sitting Senator we've polled on, taking that label from Mitch McConnell.

 Flake responded by criticizing the polling company, Public Policy Polling (PPP), but instead he might want to examine his own actions - he's the one who looked a mother of one of the victims of the mass shooting in Aurora, CO and told her that he supported background checks for gun purchases, and then went out and voted to kill a Senate measure that would have required background checks as part of most gun transactions.

That's not PPP's problem, that's his.

If Flake was here, I'd ask him one question:

Were you wearing dancing shoes when you danced on the grave "attended the dedication of a Capitol meeting room to the memory" of Gabe Zimmerman, a Congressional staffer who was gunned down in the line of duty, or were you already wearing your flip-flops?

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