Saturday, October 29, 2011

"Republicans moralizing about deficits. That's like an arsonist moralizing about fire safety"

Vice-President Joe Biden is a man known for his directness and bluntness, rare qualities in a place like D.C.  Occasionally, that can result in an embarrassing moment, especially if there is an open mic within range.

OK, it's more often than "occasionally"... :)

However, every so often, Biden's directness is spot on and appropriate.

From the Orlando Sentinel, h/t to Taegen Goddard's Political Wire for spotting this (emphasis added) -
Vice President Joe Biden turned a dinner speech to Florida Democrats at Walt Disney World into a pep rally Friday night, blasting Republicans as obstructionists with whom he said the administration can no longer work.


"That's what I find absolutely bizarre: Republicans moralizing about deficits. That's like an arsonist moralizing about fire safety," he said. "These guys have zero credibility."


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