Saturday, May 14, 2011

Huckabee out of race for the Republican nomination for president

I understand the ego involved in making the announcement on his own Faux News program, but if this was a truly momentous announcement, wouldn't it have been made during weekday primetime?

I mean, on cable and on Saturday night?

I love politics and knew that he had some sort of announcement scheduled for today, but even I would rather watch the DBacks beat the Dodgers in LA.

And did.  It was a good game.  :)

Anyway, from AP via Yahoo! News -
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Saturday he won't seek the Republican presidential nomination, choosing to stick with a lucrative career as a television and radio personality over a race that would be both costly and caustic.

"All the factors say go, but my heart says no," Huckabee, the winner of the 2008 Iowa caucuses, said on his Fox News Channel show.

Huckabee's decision further muddies the GOP field as the Republican Party seeks a challenger for President Barack Obama.

I normally don't care about the inner-workings of the Republican candidate selection process, but I have to say this - Huckabee's decision fits perfectly with the Republican meme that public service, even well-compensated public service, takes a backseat to financial self-enrichment.

Of course, certain ones find a way to turn public service into self-enrichment.  We call them members of Congress.  And the Arizona legislature.


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