Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some pics from the early part of the day at the Legislature

The Senate Appropriations hearing is underway, and I am in the overflow room (SHR1).

They haven't gotten to the "good" bills yet, but here are a few pics from earlier in the day -

The targets of Russell Pearce's bills...

Senate hearing room cordoned off by police, who moved the gathered crowd, mostly opponents of the bills on the agenda, into another room.

One of the few pro-Pearce protesters.  His mouth was loud, but he didn't really get a rise out of anybody.

Just the truth...

The labor rally in support of the workers in Wisconsin

Motorcycle Day at the Capitol.  Not relevant to anything in Senate Appropriations, but I like the picture.

The crowd in the overflow room.  The capacity is 140, and they need to open up two additional rooms to handle the overflow from the overflow.

Legislators Catherine Miranda and Albert Hale at the Latino Caucus' press conference on the anti-immigrant bills.

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