Friday, December 10, 2010


...of the old-fashioned, "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" variety.

This one stars Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who is making a stand against the "compromise" that the White House made with Congressional Republicans to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

I don't know how long it will last, but you can watch it on the C-SPAN2 video feed on the website.

Sad to say, the best Democrat in the Senate may not be a Democrat at all...


Ted McLaughlin said...

I've been watching it also, and it's truly inspiring. Too bad the Democrats are too spineless to help him out, since they should be doing this themselves.

Thane Eichenauer said...

Does your use of quote marks around the word compromise indicate that you are unhappy with the proposed deal?

tempe turley said...

I would be really interested in what you think about this article by Charles Krauthammer who calls this a second stimulus and a huge win by Obama that nearly guarantees he'll win a second term:

I don't understand all of the technical points he makes, and Krauthammer is a pretty extreme neo-con and easily dismissed. But, I've heard more sensible left-leaning economists saying basically the same thing:

I definitely want to see the Bush tax cuts rolled back eventually, and this deal makes that less likely, but on the whole I'm pretty positive about it.